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Monday, December 20, 2010

@Gerard talks about the kiss

a partir de 1:05

Ariel “I have a question. Can you kiss Frank like you did on Saturday?”
Gerard “Hell, no!. That aint… that aint a command thing. That just happens”
Interviewer “That’s the elephant in the room though. We didn’t want to bring it up’
Ariel (in background)”That was the hottest thing I’ve ever seen.”
Interviewer “But since it’s out there…”
Gerard “Is it?”
Interviewer “What happened when you kissed Frank out there on Saturday ?”
Gerard “Magic! Fireworks! I was just getting even with him.”
Interviewer “Really?”
Gerard “Yeah”
Interviewer ” I don’t think we want to know what he did to you!”
Gerard “You don’t. You don’t.”

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